Pricing & Plans
Clear, transparent and predictable pricing. Plans designed to support your business and scale to your needs. Enjoy all the benefits of Get Scheduled and only pay for what you use.
Call us on
0845 2992 3459
Large organisations (200+ users), events or volunteer programmes
Unlimited users
All Plans Include

24/7 access


Hosting UK




£2 per User per month
Active User
Call us on
0845 2992 3459


Email and SMS alerts


File Sharing




Time & Attendance

User Portal


On-site training

Recruit/Data capture

Extended services
Extended Support

Account Management

Bespoke Development


Systems Integrations

Questions about pricing?
We're focused on our customers' needs which is why we've tried to make our pricing plans easy to understand and easy to cost. Just pay for what you use. No long term tie-ins, no fine print, no gotchas.
How does the free 28 day trial work?
No card details required! Free for 28 days. We just need some basic information to get you setup and we'll do the rest. If you're happy at the end of the trial we just ask that you provide us with some valid card details and you'll be billed at the end of the next calendar month.
Do I have to start with a free trial?
Yes, you get 28 days on us. We believe that you should only pay once you're convinced of its value. The best way to do this is to provide you with a fully-featured trial. At the end of the trial you simply choose your preferred pricing plan and provide some valid card details. If you're convinced before then you can simply convert to a paid plan at your convenience.
What is an 'abandoned user' on the Prime Plan?
We recognise that you don't want to be paying for users who have left the business but you might want to keep their records for reference. We allow you to ‘abandon’ them, which simply means they become archived, the data is retained and you no longer pay for them at the end of each month. Abandoned users can only be reinstated on request.
What is a 'User' on the Prime Plan?
On the Prime Plan an active user is simply a user on the system not marked as 'abandoned'. We make no distinction between types of users and don't charge you a premium for system administrators - the same per user price. * At least one user must remain active.
What is an 'Active User' on the Flexi Plan?
On the Flexi plan an active user is someone who has been scheduled to work a shift in the billing month. You can schedule them as many times as you like in any month but you'll only pay for them once. You don't pay for anyone who hasn't been scheduled for a shift making it a great option for seasonal businesses or events. * Minimum number of users apply.
How do payments work?
Payments are taken by credit or debit card via a secure payment provider. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. We then charge the card monthly, based on the number of active users in the system in that calendar month. You only pay for what you use!
How long is the contract for?
No small print, no-tie ins, no gotchas. The contract runs from month to month giving you total flexibility.
How often am I billed?
We charge monthly. At the end of the month (last day of the month) we calculate the highest number of users in that month, raise an invoice and charge the stored payment card on the 5th day of the following month.
How are SMS's charged for?
The only extras you can expect to pay for are text messages. These are charged at £0.05p a text message and will appear on your monthly invoice. Don't worry, you can control which messages are sent and when.
How to I enquire about extended services?
We have a full range of extended services including on-site training, bespoke branding or even custom integrations. Simply follow the links once you have signed into the portal and we'll get back to you sharpish.
What happens if I decide to cancel my agreement?
Don't leave us! We don't lock you in. If you cancel then you simply pay to the end of the calendar month and your final bill will be on the 5th day of the following month.
What if I cancel and then change my mind?
No problem. Your My Get Scheduled account remains active. Should you have a change of heart, simply sign in and click the "Try Get Scheduled for Free" to re-register..... We'd be delighted to have you back.
So what next?
Try Get Scheduled for free. Follow the links and sign up for a free trial. If you have any questions along the way please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Call us on
0845 2992 3459
Large organisations (200+ users), events or volunteer programmes
Unlimited users